Why is an outdoor shoot a good idea?
To me, outdoor shoots mean adventure. Children tend to love adventure! Whether it’s climbing trees or climbing onto Dad's shoulders, these sessions really capture the connection and emotion between your family. With the flexibility of selecting your own location, you get to make memories at a place that is special to you.
// Base Session //
A full 60 minute play based session at a beautiful outdoor location. Each session includes five hand-edited high resolution images to download with the option to add more. The experience also includes:
A pre-shoot questionnaire to get to know you.
A welcome guide to help you prepare your family for the session.
Opportunity to run through outfit options and advice.
An online password protected gallery to view your beautiful hand edited (watermarked) photographs.
5 high resolution hand edited digital images of your choice to download.
Weekend and Weekday availability
*Suitable for babies 6 months and older
A few weeks after the family session, you will receive your full hand edited online gallery to view. You can simply walk away with your five selections or upgrade to more images.
// Falmouth //
An additional 5 high resolution digital images.
// Porthleven //
All high resolution digital images.
// Watergate //
All high resolution digital images.
Beautiful gallery wall prints
Two 12” x 8” prints
Two 16” x 20” prints
Two 5” x 7” print